Training icon

Introduction to sustainability

The world and organizations are gradually moving towards management and business development models contemplating their social, economic and environmental impact.

Faced with this paradigm, the imminent need for accompany internal collaborators on the way to the incorporation of sustainability parameters in all areas and production instances.

Thus, the work program includes:

  • ° Development and history of the concept of sustainability
  • ° Scope and consequences of sustainability in organizations
  • ° Economic, social and environmental factors in function of business development
  • ° Practical organizational management tools from sustainability
  • ° The contribution of value of sustainability and communication.
Courses Icon

GRI (Global Reporting Initative)

We organize certified courses on GRI reporting methodologies. These workshops are officially certified by the GRI and therefore the latest updates made by said organization. The training meetings include the theoretical development of the methodology and official guides practice to gain applied knowledge of the GRI implementation process.

Number one

Open courses

Courses for managers of the area of sustainability of organizations, to directors, managers, students and consultants.

Number two

Cursos in company

We know the importance of each area involved in the production process of sustainability reports know the methodology and get involved with the report as a management tool. That is why we suggest the implementation of the workshops of GRI methodologies in each organization that you intend to report under this methodology.

Ícono Global Compact

ODS and Global Compact of the United Nations

Being some of the most important voluntary initiatives Currently, we implement training courses that result in knowledge of the scope and depth of each of the principles announced by the Global Compact and the Objectives of Sustainable Development, as well as the origins of these initiatives and the goals they propose.

During the training process, we accompany the organizations to articulate their business and rethink it from of international initiatives.

Ícon Gender


We work from the survey and diagnosis organizational regarding gender equity.

The approach implemented, is contemplated and proposed actions in the most relevant dimensions regarding to gender issues: communication, salaries, recruitment and selection, professional development, work environment, harassment.

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  • Our offices

    Av Corrientes 524, 1er Piso
    Ciudad de Buenos Aires
    Argentina, (1043)

    Av. Olazábal 5187, 2do "A"
    Ciudad de Buenos Aires
    Argentina, (1431)
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